Thursday, February 01, 2007

It began in Afrika...

So it's the 1st of Feb. That means only a short 11 days until departure! In that short 11 days, I have 4 more shifts of work, BDO, Mum's birthday, Pablo returning from NZ (yes he is!), my dinner, my birthday, then off to the airport. Not to mention packing, partying and seeing boys ;)

I am finally more excited than nervous. I think the turning point for me was when my boss was running around work, pretending he was holding a spear and making clicking and 'ooga-booga' sounds at me to 'get me ready for Ghana'. Straight after that, someone told me that there will be a lot of black people living in trees. Now I'm pumped to get over there and clear up a whole bunch of crazy assumptions that I keep hearing! Seeing the movie 'Babel' right before I leave wasn't a great idea though - the thought that I could be shot in the shoulder, not be able to find a real hospital, be stitched up with a normal sewing needle and string and have only marijuana to calm the pain, while my husband deals with a bus-load of tourists who want to leave as I lay there dying wasn't such a good thing to put in my head before I run off to Afrika alone..

My dear aunty would like me to explain what it is that I'm doing, and why I'm off to Ghana. So here it is - I'm in a student organisation called AIESEC. We're in about 100 countries around the world, and we're made up of about 20 000 like-minded students who want to make an impact on our fair world. We basically develop ourselves while we are in the organisation, building up leadership skills, creating networks of people, and attending life-changing conferences that get you in contact with the best people in the world, teach you a lot about the organisation and about yourself, and let you have LOT of fun and meaningful conversations! The role of our organisation in society is to send students on international internships, which we believe is the best way to increase tolerance among people world-wide. So this brings me to why I'm going to Ghana! For the past year, I've been the Out-Going eXchange Director for AIESEC at Adelaide Uni, meaning that I've been the one sending people overseas - we've sent people to Kenya, Malaysia, The Netherlands, China, Indonesia, and, soon, Ghana and Poland! I've reached the end of my term now and have handed the responsibility over to a lovely girl called Christina. Now it's my turn to go on my own internship. Hence, Ghana!

Now I have some UAE Dirhams and US Dollars, and have sorted out most of my shit. The only problem now is.. how the hell do I fit everything in this little thing?!


Julie's back home.... but had a fantastic time... said...

... you forgot to mention the drinking at the AIESEC conferences..
gees.. lucky I caught that in time :)

Nana Gabe said...

I didn't know that Lee drank. It must be jungle juice.The travel people are doing well out of our families with untold backpacks and gear. It is fun doing all of that though isn't it? Go girl!!! from that dear Auntie

Frankie. said...
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Frankie. said...

good luck fitting everything into that backpack!!! i'm getting really excited for you now.. can't wait to hear what's crackin' in Ghana, or Dubai, or anywhere other than the Polytech..
i understand BDO of the Adelaide persuasion rocked!! u better have taken photos-a-plenty!

here's a hint: maybe try not to get shot..

Nana Gabe said...

That was a handy hint Paul aka frankie. Do you have immunization against that?

Nana Gabe said...

It is 5.00pm., Sat night. We are about to leave to go to your 21st. It is incredible to think you are 21. We are very excited about tonight, it is going to be heaps of fun.see you later alligator.

Adam and Eva said...


Nana Gabe said...

Happy Birthday lee We had a great night at your 21st. It was great to see all our family there ...well nearly all our family. You have really lovely friends. Tobias is a sweet lad. It is weird when things like that happen. Thanks Julie for Sat. night as well. They will be back before you know it.

Tobias said...

Hi.. my name is Tobias, long time reader, first time poster. Right this very second you could be on your way to Singapoore!! woooo. I actually hope your Aeroguard repellent is of high quality and that the heat wont make you sweat it off by accident. Also if you see dudes in trees say hi for me :P

Nana Gabe said...

Why haven't you blogged yet? It has been 24 hours.. We hope you had a great flight and it was uneventful. missing you