Well here it is..
With less than 30 days until I leave now, I thought I should put up a post. My Ghana adventure has finally been confirmed! I'll be leaving on Monday the 12th of February (haven't bought my plane ticket yet, but it will work out), and I'll be working in the West African AIDS Foundation for 2 months. On my way there, I'm dropping into Dubai for 3 days of desert fun, and on my way home I'll drop into Melbourne for 3 days too. I plan to set aside about 2 weeks at the end of my traineeship so I can get up to Mole National Park in Ghana, and also head into Togo and Benin. Apparently Togo is so small, it can be driven across in less than 6 hours! And as if I don't want to go into Benin to experience the birth-place of voodoo! The fetish markets will be amazing, and I have my French phrase-book handy to help me along.. I still have a lot of planning to do, which, at the moment, feels as though it won't get done. I haven't even cleaned my room since Christmas, how am I supposed to organise travel insurance?!
There are so many things to look forward to between now and when I leave! I'm having a few girls from Perth and Melbourne stay with us for a couple of days, I've got Laura's 21st, Victor Harbour with Mum, Big Day Out (Oh MY GOD!!!!), Mum's birthday, Paul coming home for my birthday (!!!!!!!!), my 21st/going away, my birthday, packing, and finally leaving! For now though, I must be off..
- Vaccine me up, Scotty!
- Malaria tablets and other antibiotics for some nasties that I'm sure to get.. The medications I am taking with me have dramatically increased in number since this photo was taken. They're going to take up half my backpack!